مشاهده نحوه پیشرفت زایمان توسط پزشک و بیمار



Trig Medical Inc., a company out of Yokneam, Israel, wants to take childbirth experience on a multimedia trip. The main idea is to offer parturients a better visual understanding of the labor process in real time, and to offer clinicians "all labor progress parameters... accurately and objectively, based on ultrasound imaging, allowing the medical staff for better decision-making." The company's LaborPro technology has been playing well with investors, as Israel's business newspaper Globes has recently reported.

Here's more about the system:

LaborPro is a novel labor monitoring system that using ultrasound imaging measures continuously and objectively fetal position, presentation and station along with cervical dilatation. LaborPro quantitatively assesses and records vital labor parameters in real-time to enable obstetricians to make informed and accurate decisions throughout the labor process to improve both the quality and cost of obstetric care

Advanced Technology

  • Station & position determination by ultrasound imaging.
  • Radiation-free pelvimetry & birth canal modeling.
  • One-step computerized trans-vaginal digital examination.
  • Accurate measurement of cervical dilatation.
  • Comprehensive labor data recording.

    Unique Benefits

  • Non-invasive, precise measurement of station & position.
  • Improves assessment of non-progressive labor.
  • Supports decision-making before operative delivery.
  • User friendly, on-screen display of all labor parameters.
  • Enhances patient comfort and sense of security